Sunday, February 24, 2013

Drive VR Seed Before Planting

This Friday we took a field trip from the office.  We loaded up our GIS Tech team and a couple Agronomists and two Trailblazer and went out to the field with a laptop and Farmworks Sitemate installed with a GPS puck and drove some snowy fields.  Our objective?  Check out some new VR-Seed rate files.

Over the course of several years, we sometimes run into farmers that dislike our prescriptive maps.  (odd, huh? but true.)  Most of them are very understanding and chock it up to a learning experience to improve upon next season.  However, we always take it to heart and work to make them meet their objectives.  One such way is to load up a file on a laptop and do some pretend farming while the soil is frozen.  This is also a great way to get our computer geeks out to the field and "feel" the changes as if they were farming it.

So how does it work?  We basically just drive up and down some rows, through some low areas and basically just looking for places that might be "weird" in the map based on the current position.  During this particular run we found that some of our logarithmic logic wasn't quite as smooth between SSURGO zones as it appeared on the map.  We discussed how we would change the parameters in the algorithms between stops.

We visited another field with some different logic applied to it.  The maps looked much better.  In fact, the particular fields we traversed had both extreme hills, along with minor topographic changes.  There were stark changes in soil color, and moderate variations, all within the same 200 acres.  A stiff boot heel kick into the soil made checking soil color easy, as well and the driver going to what he perceived to be "a good area" and then the laptop operator stating the rate out loud.

All in all, we learned a lot about what made the algorithms work and where we needed to make adjustments (and some ideas about specifically how.)  It was really cool to see the maps locate and accurately describe just slight changes in the field that you could intuitively perceive.

What tips do you have to prevent waste on your farm for the 2013 crop?  Do you ever "pretend farm" as a way to help you learn?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Improve VR-Seed by Subdividing SSURGO data by Slope

Farmers often use SSURGO soil type data to assign seed rates.  Their main assumption relates to water holding capacity and organic matter as these macro soil attributes greatly influence ability to support higher populations.  However there are some limitations to this public data set.  They blame various things, mostly related to resolution (aka "the darn lines are in the wrong place.")

When frustrated, farmers sometimes ask for normalized historic yield maps to improve or replace SSURGO data.  However, when we’ve done this we often encounter resistance when they finally get to the field.   Why?  Because it ends up assigning low rates to “good soil” that they have tiled or otherwise improved.  Often times the yield data has problems, like switching varieties, missing data in middle of a field or only a few years of “good data.”  We can over exaggerate underlying soils rates but all this adds up to conceptually liking the idea but practically avoiding it given lots of poor quality yield data.  Can you say, tail wagging the dog?!

A long time goal of ours was to better describe predicted soil moisture using slope.  Despite the ease at which one can look and perceive slope from an elevation map it is quite challenging to mathematically capture it in most existing GIS software.  Well, we finally accomplished just that… both max-grade and position on hill… top or bottom portion of the hill itself.

Above is a corn yield map from drought stricken 2012 field.  As you can clearly see, the yields don’t change exactly with the specific soil type zones change.  However, it's decent, albeit, not perfect.  Where "off", is that because they are wrong or because a B slope soil type is simply too great a generalization for this application?   Said another way, B slope simply means gently rolling, but doesn’t say “this is a hill top.”  Sometimes it is, but often it has hill tops and valleys both, which yield differently.   Given the tabular data quality of the SSURGO maps (and their ease of retrieval,) we’re not convinced we should abandon them just yet.  Instead, how about we improve it?

Below is a VR seed map for corn with original SSURGO map overlaid.  You can see how the slope extends the normal zone rates across various soil types.  To accomplish this we started with a VR-Seed map based on soil type and then used some logarithmic math to distribute based on a proprietary slope algorithm.  The lower position in the hill (at same slope) gets more seed than does the same slope toward the hill top.  In fact, the math effectively describes the concave or convex proprieties of all “hills and valleys” at the given 100 ft square resolution.

Additionally, this VR-Seed file means that the farmer won’t have those hard polygon transitions while traversing the field.  In fact, the rates will gradually shift higher or lower as he transitions between soils and varying slopes.  Same soil type but in a valley?  No problem… we’ll drop more seed.  Same soil but on the top of the hill?  No problem, we are dialing back.  This elevation influenced data is able to be accomplished even with WAAS data because of the relative nature of slope position and 100 ft horizontal resolution.    The ultimate result is a refined seed rate without a crop consultant even visiting the field.

The final map is our proposed VR-Seed map for soybeans.  As you might notice we invert the rates to lower population to prevent lodging in the appropriate positions in valley of high OM soil types.  At this point, we believe a good farmer could “trump” these maps with his knowledge about drainage, fertility or other oddities not represented in these two data sets that make his soils different than the underlying SSURGO properties.  (or, subdivide his SSURGO using smart zone soil sampling first and then apply this slope logic afterward!) 

We look forward to bringing this to more customers as we streamline the algorithms and make it easy for more people to deploy inside Optmzr

Monday, February 4, 2013

My first ever re-blog Post

If you've ever wondered about staying power, technology and convergence of mind, guts and glory on the farm... look no further than my friend Brian Scott, aka @TheFarmersLife.  Nice post about Super Bowl commercial that incorporates his family.

I'd say more but his post says enough.
